Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Lil Bad Gal - Should be Lil Sick Gal!

Right, so I was talking to "Lil Bad Gal" and she was upset.
I started to talk to her and she told me the reasons why she was so sad.
Then a few days later she said she new NOTHING about it!
See for yourselves!


So see what you think of this!


Saturday, 16 June 2012


Me & Lucy recently got boyfriends on MSP!

My BF: SeBaBaDmAn755
Lucy's BF: MSP DUDE 101

It took us ages to find the right ones!
We can help you! We will tell you what we will do and you tell us what type of boyfriend you want, their level, etc...

We will charge 1 auto for help to find you one (1 auto to whoever helps you, (Millie, Lucy)
And if you get your perfect match 3 autos (Whoever finds you the perfect boy gets 3 autos)

Okay thanks!