Wednesday, 11 July 2012


MSP is getting on my nerves!
They keep updating their "rude words" list, it includes xxx & anonymous, HOW RIDICULOUS! 
Both me & Megsie sent an email to say how appalled we were!
Whenever I do a sentence to someone, I always do xxx at the end, but if you do that on MSP, you get banned from speaking for 5 minutes!

Here is the email I sent:

 Hi there MovieStarPlanet staff,
                                           I am making a complaint as I am NOT happy at all with the site.

When I reply/Talk to other MSP users, I ALWAYS do xxx, But every time I do that, I get a 5 minute talking ban.
Many other users do xxx as well, but I don't see what is wrong with that!
It is NOT offensive or Rude! Please explain what is wrong with doing x X3
Because I DON'T see a problem!

If matters do not pick up, I will make a petition and get people to temporarily stop using MSP, And tell everyone what a bad website it is!
I enjoy MovieStarPlanet but this problem is making it hard for me to like!

Yours Faithfully
Lotsa Love 

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